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Swansea Country Club Ladies Golf 101 - Monday 5-7pm

Ladies Golf 101 Registration

Golf 101 is a great program for anyone who is just starting out in golf, needs a refresher on the fundamentals of the game, or is returning to golf after some time away!

Each session will have 8 hours of instruction across the Swansea Country Club practice facilities and on course as well as the Ocean State Golf Academy Indoor Facility in East Providence.


Week 1 Indoors - OSGA

Week 2 Indoors - OSGA

Week 3 - Outdoors - Swansea Country Club

Week 4 - Outdoors - On Course Swansea Country Club

indoors at OSGA we will cover the fundamentals of the golf swing and the game itself.  Outdoors at Swansea Country Club we will focus on short game fundamentals on the art of putting and chipping.  For our last class, we will hit the course at Swansea Country Club and put it all together.

In the event of inclement weather the instruction will be held at the OSGA in East Providence.  All Ladies who complete the course will receive a complimentary pass to the Par 3 Course at Swansea Country Club.

Monday 5-7pm - $325

Sessions Available:
May 12th - June 9th
June 16th - July 7th
July 14th - August 4th
August 11th - September 8th


Any Cancellation or Change of date(s) will Result in $100 Service Fee

If you have any questions email Robb@SwanseaCountryClub.com

Add Session May 12th - June 9th - Monday
10 available
Add Session June 16th - July 7th - Monday
12 available
Add Session July 14th - August 4th - Monday
12 available
Add Session Monday August 11th - September 8th
12 available