Registration Services
For Assistance Call: 508-379-9886
For Technical Help: 1-866-847-4762
Member Registration (Member of the Pool Club or Golf Membership)
A Great Way to get your Teen(s) Involved with the Game of Golf! Each participant will receive a complimentary round of golf on our Par 3 Course. 5 T0 1 Student to Instructor Ratio
Tuesday & Thursday(s) 6-7 pm - Ages 13 to 16 for Novice Golfers - 4 Classes to each Session
Sessions Available May 6th - May 15th May 20th - May 29th June 3rd - June 12th June 17th - June 26th July 8th - July 17th July 22nd - July 31st August 5th - August 14th August 19th - August 28th
This Camp must comply with regulations of the MDPH & be licensed by the LBOH.
Any Cancellations due to weather will be prorated in the Form of a SCC Gift Card.
Any Cancellation or Change of date(s) will Result in $50 Service Fee
If you have any questions email